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Yujie LiuLess than 1 minute

学习模式检查单 Study Mode Checklist

  1. 煮一壶开水泡茶 Prepare a cup of water at hand.
  2. 洗脸,保持身体轻爽整洁 Wash your face to make sure your are tidy and fresh.
  3. 打开房间的窗 Open the window of your room.
  4. 把手机打开阅读模式,并放在视线之外 Open the proper DO NOT DISTURB mode of your phone and place it else where.
  5. 确认茶已经泡好,将身体坐直,两眼目视向上30秒 Sit straight, move your eyes upwards for 30 second.
  6. 开始学习 Start your study.
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Contributors: Yujie